WiPSCE is over!

WiPSCE is over for another year but we look forward to seeing you again in Munster next October 2016. In the meantime here are some of the presentations that were given during WiPSCE and some photographs.

Proceedings on the ACM Digital Library

A selection of presentations

Photos of WiPSCE 2015

General Information

Research in primary and secondary computing education is a young field with strong ties to national educational systems. Nevertheless, its theories, methods, and results are internationally applicable and of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field.

WiPSCE aims at improving the exchange of research and practice relevant to teaching and learning in primary and secondary computing education, teacher training, and related research.

WiPSCE has its roots in a long-running workshop of the German computing education community.

Information for attendees

We are looking forward to welcoming you to WiPSCE on Monday 9th November. Information to help you find us can be found on the practical information page. The programme booklet can be downloaded from here. Additional information to help you get around London easily can be found here. If you wish to attend the optional trip to the Science Museum on Wednesday afternoon, please sign up here using the password sent to you by email.

Important Dates

(*) We offer a re-submission slack. This means that title and abstract of papers must be submitted by the first deadline, but it will be possible to upload the full versions of papers until the second deadline. Paper abstracts that are not submitted by the first deadline will not be considered - we need the information to assign the submissions to the reviewers.

Call for Papers

Previous conferences

Questions? Please contact Judith Gal-Ezer (Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Open University of Israel), Sue Sentance (Dept. of Education and Professional Studies, King's College London), or Jan Vahrenhold (Institut for Informatik, University of Munster).

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