Picture Attribution
The 2014 WIPSCE banner is composed of the pictures listed below. We thank the artists, who were kind enough to release them under a free licence which made it possible for us to make use of their work.
- Cityscape by Thomas Wolf
- Brandburger Tor by Thomas Wolf
- Reichstag by Jürgen Matern
- Rost- und Silberlaube by Torinberl and others
- Berliner Mauer by Noir
- Französischer Dom by Avda
- Oberbaumbrücke by Sarah Jane
- Über den Dächern von Berlin by Bleppo
- Gedächtniskirche by Null8fuffzehn
- Weltzeituhr by Bleppo
Questions? Please contact Carsten Schulte (Dept. of Computer Science Education, Freie Universität Berlin), Judith Gal-Ezer (Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Open University of Israel) or Michael E. Caspersen (Centre for Science Education, Aarhus University).