

All times are in CEST (UTC+2) time.

Pre-Conference Meet-up

On Sunday, September 15th, we reserved tables at Brasserie Tresznjewski, Theresienstraße 72, 80333 Munich (close to the conference venue). Feel free to join us starting from 6.30 p.m. even if you have not signed up for the meet-up in your registration!

September 16, 2024

09:30 - 11:30
Pre-conference workshops
The pre-conference workshops need to be booked during registration. For further information on the available workshops see the related events page. The pre-conference workshops will take place at Marsstraße 20-22 in Munich. After the workshops, we will walk to the conference venue together (~20 min).
from 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:30
Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Tilman Michaeli
13:30 - 14:30
Keynote I
Chair: Nadine Bergner
Exploring the Impacts of Socio-Political Power Dynamics on Primary and Secondary Computer Science Education Researchers, Practitioners, and Students (Abstract)
Monica McGill
14:30 - 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 - 16:05
Paper Session 1: Data and AI I
Chair: Tilman Michaeli
Unpacking Approaches to Learning and Teaching Machine Learning in K-12 Education: Transparency, Ethics, and Design Activities (Full Paper)
L. Morales-Navarro, Y. Kafai
Enhancing Understanding of Data Traces and Profiling Among K--9 Students Through Interactive Classroom Game (Full Paper)
J. Kahila, H. Vartiainen, E. Arkko, A. Lin, N. Pope, M. Tedre
16:05 - 17:05
Poster Session 1
K-5 pupils' responses to culturally responsive computing lessons (Poster)
K. Childs, A. Hadwen-Bennett, J. Waite
Reimagining Standards for Computer Science Education for Primary and Secondary Schools (Poster)
J. Koressel, B. Twarek, J. Smith, M. McGill
Discipline-Specific Language Proficiency in Teacher Education (Poster)
J. Strobl, F. Batur, F. Ziemann, T. Brinda
Incremental development with an AR coding environment (Poster)
S. Wetzel, R. Stäter, M. Ludwig
Evidence-based advancement of teaching AI in K-12: an action research approach (Poster)
F. Jetzinger
Teaching K-12 students about the impact and mechanics of social media (Poster)
A. Lin, E. Arkko, N. Pope, J. Kahila
Which aspects are relevant for evaluating programming tools? Perspectives of teacher educators and teachers (Poster)
F. Weißenrieder, L. Scheppach
Towards Conceptual Change in Computer Science Education: an Introduction to the Conceptual Change Texts (Poster)
M. Kreinsen, F. Grospietsch, S. Schulz
Information Encoding Modeling in Computer Science Education (Poster)
H. Buttke, J. Krugel
Escaping the Turing Tar-Pit with AI Programming Blocks (Poster)
A. Repenning
Empowering Female Students in Computer Science: Teachers’ attitudes towards a Career Orientation Narrative (Poster)
R. Ferdinand, N. Dittert, I. Diethelm
Social Issues in CS Education: First Insights of a Scoping Review (Poster)
J. Sperling, M. Rücker
17:05 - 17:30
Coffee break
17:30 - 18:20
Paper Session 2: Teaching and Teaching Interventions
Chair: Heike Wachter
Codes and Ciphers: A Digital Escape Room for Secondary Schools (Practical Report)
W. Pfeffer, T. Fuchs, L. Greifenstein, U. Heuer
Teaching CS with and through other forms of knowledge (Work-in-Progress Paper)
P. Curzon, J. Waite, K. Maton
from 18:20
Drinks reception
Networking with drinks and light food provided.

September 17, 2024

08:30 - 09:00
Coffee / tea available on arrival
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote 2
Chair: Sue Sentance
Co-Designing AI literacy for K-12 Education (Abstract)
Linda Mannila
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 12:05
Paper Session 3: Data and AI II
Chair: Katharine Childs
Data-related practices for creating Artificial Intelligence systems in K-12 (Full Paper)
V. Olari, R. Romeike
Identifying Secondary School Students' Misconceptions about Machine Learning: An Interview Study (Full Paper)
E. Marx, C. Witt, T. Leonhardt
Investigating the Impact of Programming Activities on Computational Thinking and AI Literacy in Spanish Schools (Full Paper)
J. Moreno-León, M. González, M. Román-González, G. Robles
12:05 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
Poster Session 2
Using Conditions and Control Structures Effectively: Can We Measure This? (Poster)
H. Hickman, T. Bell
Differentiated Tasks by ChatGPT for Secondary Computer Science Education: Useful or not? (Poster)
T. Bahr, M. Manzocco, D. Schuster
An Instructional Verb Set for Bilingual Informatics Classrooms (Poster)
M. Karrasch, I. Diethelm
“It’s smart and it’s stupid:” Youth’s conflicting perspectives on LLMs’ language comprehension and ethics (Poster)
L. Morales-Navarro, P. Gao, E. Yang, Y. Kafai
Strype: a Versatile Python-like Programming Environment for Novices (Poster)
P. Weill-Tessier, N. Brown, M. Kölling
Designing Project-based learning experiences to integrate Computational Thinking skills at Teacher Colleges (Poster)
J. Simmonds, N. Hitschfeld-Kahler, E. Scheihing, V. Henriquez, V. Munoz, C. Casanova, C. Torrent, P. Contreras, K. Mercado, D. Estrada, L. Marquez
Tangible tools for data science education (Poster)
L. Underwood, J. Finney, S. Hodges, E. Rubegni
MicroData: live visualisation & recording of micro:bit sensor data (Poster)
K. Palin, J. Finney, S. Hodges, T. Ball
Introduction to Programming using Ozobots in an Economics Major CS-Class (Poster)
M. Müller-Unterweger, M. Berges
What's inside? -- Analysis of School Curricula Towards The Informatics Reference Framework (Poster)
I. Diethelm, A. Boyan
Combining Montessori Pedagogy and Computing Education: First Insights from a Systematic Literature Review (Poster)
L. Greifenstein, A. Hanusch
14:00 - 14:30
Coffee break
14:30 - 16:00
Paper Session 4: Teachers, Teacher Education and the Educational System I
Chair: Salomey Addo
Coaching Teachers to Teach Computer Science with Equity-focused Teacher Standards (Full Paper)
J. Rosato, L. Thigpen, F. Brunson, J. Tise, M. McGill
Role Perceptions and Motivational Orientation of Computer Science Teachers (Full Paper)
P. Wente, A. Mühling
Scaffolding Creative Programming Projects (Practical Report)
A. Repenning, S. Grabowski
16:00 - 18:30
Brewery Tour | Walking Tour | Free Time
The brewery tour and walking tour have to be booked in the registration process.
from 19:00
Conference Dinner (Augustiner Keller)

September 18, 2024

09:00 - 09:45
Coffee / tea available on arrival
09:45 - 10:45
Paper Session 5: Automated Assessment and Tools
Chair: Elena Spörer
Automated Assessment: Does it Conform to Teachers’ Standards? (Full Paper)
H. Hickman, T. Bell
Systematic Debugging of Logical Errors in Source Code (Work-in-Progress Paper)
F. Ziemann, F. Reuß
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 - 12:40
Paper Session 6: Computational Thinking and Programming Education
Chair: Franz Jetzinger
Improvement of Computational Thinking skills through unplugged activities in Upper Secondary Education (Full Paper)
C. Benavides-Escola, E. Martín-Barroso, M. González, M. Zapata-Cáceres
Observing Students' Behavior During Problem Solving: Determinants of Success (Full Paper)
A. Mühling, G. Braune
Do Scratchers Fix Their Bugs? Detecting Fixes of Scratch Static Analysis Warnings (Work-in-Progress Paper)
F. Obermüller, G. Fraser
12:40 - 13:45
13:45 - 14:50
Paper Session 7: Teachers, Teacher Education and the Educational System II
Chair: Luisa Gebhardt
Funds of identity and culturally responsive computing: K-5 teachers’ adaptations to computing resources (Full Paper)
K. Childs, J. Waite
Extrinsic Barriers to Integrating Computer Science in Elementary School Subject Areas in the United States (Full Paper)
M. McGill, L. Thigpen
14:50 - 15:15
Final words and news of next WiPSCE
from 15:15
Depart from WiPSCE

Information for Presenters

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